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Hilton Travis is a very active community member, working closely with children 0-8 and their families, people with disabilities, older people, non-profit organisations, business owners and staff, and anyone who stops and chats. He takes part in the Bayside Housing and Homeless Network, Redlands Disability Network, Redlands Seniors Network, Redlands Children’s Network, and other community groups. His main focus is the health and wellbeing of our communities.
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Jos Mitchell and Hilton Travis – Leading Change in the Redlands
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Do you have a comment regarding your community or anything else that you’d like to share with Hilton?
Do you have some time or other resources that you could offer to help Hilton with his campaign?
It’s all about teamwork, cooperation, listening and being responsive to our collective needs. It is time the Redland City Council does this for us all.